Saturday, June 16, 2007

In a discussion with a German comrade awhile back, I brought up the appeal of Marwan Barghouti, jailed former leader of the Tanzim, and his political faction Al-Mustaqbal. Barghouti had abandoned the Tanzim after a series of suicide bombings, and has a history of collaboration with Israeli left groups such as: Women in Black, Gush Shalom, Yesh Gvul, Ta’ayush etc. My German friend wrote me back saying: "Yes, his politics sound good, but how many guns does he have?"
At the time I was skeptical of his response. The Palestinian intifada had proven (in its best moments) that popular resistance to occupation could overcome a more powerfully armed adversary. What relevance to emancipation would the side with the most weapons really have?
This question was in a way answered rather brutally two days ago in Gaza. By now the basic course of events should be well known: after Hamas' election and refusal to engage with the terms of the Quartet, i.e. ongoing negotiation based on the Oslo accords, tensions developed to explosion between Fatah and Hamas, leading to a state of civil war. What are less clear is what events precipitated this. To understand the current moment we have to return to the period directly after the Hamas election. The boycott of the Hamas government by the west had not gone on for very long when public sector workers in Gaza reacted against the new austerities imposed upon them by Hamas' rejectionism, staging strikes and demonstrations against the government late in 2006. Proving their democratic credentials, Hamas attempted to break the strike, firing on the demonstrators and encouraged students to scab against their teachers.
"As a protest against the attempts by the banks to confiscate part of the emergency money paid out to workers for loan repayments, demonstrators stormed offices of banks in the occupied territories. The industrial action taken by the workers resumed the the same day and rumours of an impending all out strike began to circulateBy the time tension between Hamas and Fatah was building towards explosion in the Gaza strip, Hamas had again to cope with the large-scale walkout of 15,000 public sector workers this April. How could Hamas slow this potential Intifada against its government? We could ask Rasem Al Bayari, Palestinian trade unionist of the PGFTU, one of many workers whose life was targeted by Palestinian security forces (led by Hamas). But sheer violence and repression were not adequate to contain the unrest. Hamas found other means more familiar to its activists. By firing or permitting the firing of rockets into southern Israel, Hamas could continue to make the eliminationist case for claims on Israeli territory, creating a focal point of 'national resistance' through which the population could be distracted with the fantasy of evicting the Israeli population. These rockets also double as bait for Israeli counterattacks, which in the event of a large-scale reoccupation of Gaza, Hamas would be in a position to unify the Palestinian factions on its own terms (since this interplay has been one of Hamas' major strategies after disengagement, it is obvious why Olmert has refused to hit Gaza in any major way so far). The focal point of the rocket launches more importantly allowed the party to compete with rival factions in Gaza, where Hamas struggled to increase its influence in streets that it did not fully control.
The strike included at its start, 37,000 teachers, 25,000 health workers, and 15,000 other public-services workers
In front of the parliament there were continuous demonstrations with thousands demanding payment of wages, unemployment benefit and the creation of more jobs. They shouted slogans, threw stones at building and stormed the gates until they were brutally repressed by the riot police.
In Ramallah on the 30 August, a crowd of 3,000 people demonstrated outside a venue were Abass was meeting UN Secretary General, Kofi Anan. The demonstrators shouted “From today there is no government anymore. From this day on, there is no parliament anymore!” and “We have no money in our pockets.”
Less than a year ago the local Hamas leadership spoke about the possibility of an Intifada against the PNA. Now it is starting to understand that they themselves could be the target of such an event. The government is in negotiations with the strikers and it looks possible that the conflict will come to a negotiated end. The political direction is towards the formation of a unity government.
(Socialist World)

"WESTERVELT: ...in the security vacuum, well-armed clans have stepped in and appear to be consolidating control over key neighborhoods, as well as smuggling operations in Gaza commerce, legal and illegal. Professor Iyad Barghuthi, who runs a Palestinian human rights group, now counts more than 50 unofficial armed groups in Gaza.
Professor IYAD BARGHUTHI (Palestinian Human Rights Activist, Gaza City): You are talking about families. You are talking about, you know, groups with political movements. There's some mafias. And each one of the 53 wants to show that he has the power and he can do whatever he likes.
WESTERVELT: One of the most dominant local factions in Gaza today is the Dogmush clan. Palestinian security officials are extremely reluctant to even talk about the clan, but a senior Israeli security official who spoke on condition of anonymity, warned of growing weapons smuggling in Gaza and said, quote, "the Dogmush clan tells the story of Gaza today. It's clan business and no one in the Palestinian authority has the guts to stand up to them. There is no accountability," end quote.
A few of the many examples of Gaza chaos: masked gunmen recently shot up the convoy of the Gaza director of the U.N. agency that provides emergency food aid to nearly one million local people. The attackers remain at large; no one has been arrested. Last week, the new interior minister tried to survey the damage after sewage flooded a North Gaza village, killing five people. When the minister arrived, well-armed local families tried to kill him."

"The morgue was overflowing, with four bodies lined up on the floor, and some of the wounded were sleeping on cardboard on the floor.Now that Hamas has effectively split Palestine into two different enclaves it is critical to look at the wider implications and background of forces which made this possible.
Two men were killed in revenge slayings Friday, including a Fatah gunman thrown from a roof in what Hamas described as a family grievance - the gunman, they said, had killed a member of a Hamas-allied family. Another Fatah loyalist was shot dead in southern Gaza.
Since Hamas' victory late Thursday, about a dozen Fatah gunmen had been killed in gangland-style executions, Fatah said."
Context of the Crisis
The insurgency against the US armed forces in Iraq has completely changed the coherency of American imperialism in the middle East and these changes are visible in the recent events in Gaza. In the midst of the largest crisis of American foreign policy in its history, Washington is increasingly trying to shelve not only the management of the Iraqi state in crisis, but also its stake in the proxy war waged by Saudi Arabia, Iran and Syria in Iraq onto American allied Arab states in the region. This 'disengagement' could take the form of withdrawal with a political settlement negotiated among regional powers (including Iran) or an escalation into a wider regional Middle East war involving a mobilization of Saudi Arabia against Iran (the Iraqi civil war is an anticipation of this conflict). The results of the latter would be particularly grave for humanity. Washington has gone so far as to look the other way as Turkey invades Kurdistan to attack Kurdish nationalist militias like the PKK, with the Machiavellian logic that perhaps this pressure could produce a compromise on the bitterly contentious city of Kirkuk. Within this, the American ruling class is trying desperately to shore up its position in the Middle East in order to maintain a potential threat in the region.

The reinforcement of Fatah is primarily an effort by the Western ruling class to reinforce its credible threat against the emerging opposition belt from Lebanon to Iran to Syria. There have already been many arguments in the media for bringing both Fatah and Hamas into the 'Sunni orbit', which refers to the American-allied states in the region. Hamas on the other hand is largely viewed as a lost cause due to its engagement with Iran and Syria.
By now much of the left is able to identify the ruthlessness of Hamas in the Gaza takeover. Some on the far left even take a clear position against both Hamas and Fatah, whom they argue will to varying degrees repress struggles within Palestinian society. In a discussion recently a comrade summarized this position succinctly:
"...it's a conflict between two completely reactionary forces and ideologies."

The question is what steps can be taken not only to attack the economic relations which we animate (class struggle), the same relations which empower the imperialist regional war in the middle East, but also how a political break with the existing war discourse can be produced. The former must be the priority since there are no forces waiting in the wings so to speak which could tip the scales in our favor, i.e. forces which could embody or popularize a better society. In the middle east for instance, one by one, the competing militias inherit the torture chambers of the regimes they supposedly opposed. As far as a political break with the war discourse, I do not think that the communist indictment of both sides of the regional war has made many inroads. If anything alienation from the entire subject has grown epidemic and the influence of liberatory ideas in these frameworks has not expanded by much (1). Increasingly, people turn to any savior that appears to have even an ounce of integrity (see the popularity of presidential candidate Ron Paul for one example). But in particular, it is action and discussion around Israel that has entered a spiral of misinterpretation.
Where obvious idiots like the anti-semites of the libertarian right (anti-war.com etc.), and 'left' anti-imperialists like George Galloway, Sue Blackwell and so on pave the way for a hollowed out discussion of Israeli history, more

Given this, and the struggle to produce eliminationist spectacles on Gaza's northern border, the nationalist factions more and more find their audience in the attack upon Israel as a body (partially because suicide bombing is now less of an option). That is, where a real class struggle would necessarily come into conflict with the occupation forces, even this is discarded towards a more general nihilistic assault on Israel as a place, Israel as an idea. I think this is at least a major difference between the first intifada and the second and this change has of course been consciously driven by elements in Palestine, Damascus, Tehran, Hezbollah etc. In the same way we see the growing influence of these actions reflected in worldwide popular opinion.

(1) One good example (and there are many others) of a struggle across borders has been provided by the Fire Brigades Union of Britain, who lugged two fire engines through Europe and Turkey into Iraq to fight the fires of war.
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Really interesting post. I think it deserves to be commented on by more people. People will only come to your blog, if you visit their blog.
I also read the Socialist World article. I wish it spoke to the right of return to Israel.
One problem Fatah faces, is that they are unpopular in the West Bank. Even with the outside support, Fatah wants more than to be ruler of a half state.
Israel has to deal with the irrational demands put on them by the US. Left alone I'm sure they would open talks with Syria. The US keeps them apart.
Very scary the idea of a Saudi/Iran war, as previewed by the Iraq war. The US has been giving $$ to Sunni clans in Iraq and Lebanon including the group in Lebanon that was in the Palestinian camp.
I've been involved lately with the International Marxist Tendency, the group around Ted Grant and Alan Woods. We oppose an unfocused boycott of Israel, which hurts Israeli leftists and workers. We support workers blocking armaments being sent. An action like that is focused,
I think you should get others to comment.
I also read the Socialist World article. I wish it spoke to the right of return to Israel.
One problem Fatah faces, is that they are unpopular in the West Bank. Even with the outside support, Fatah wants more than to be ruler of a half state.
Israel has to deal with the irrational demands put on them by the US. Left alone I'm sure they would open talks with Syria. The US keeps them apart.
Very scary the idea of a Saudi/Iran war, as previewed by the Iraq war. The US has been giving $$ to Sunni clans in Iraq and Lebanon including the group in Lebanon that was in the Palestinian camp.
I've been involved lately with the International Marxist Tendency, the group around Ted Grant and Alan Woods. We oppose an unfocused boycott of Israel, which hurts Israeli leftists and workers. We support workers blocking armaments being sent. An action like that is focused,
I think you should get others to comment.
Hey RE,
Thanks for giving it a read. You should post a link to it on your blog. :) You are right that I need to be making more comments on other people's blogs. I've actually been reading Marxist from Lebanon's stuff for the past couple months but not with any time to comment. Just getting this piece together was quite a lot of work.
I think we have to oppose Fatah as much as we do Hamas. One example of why: http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,489898-2,00.html
The PLO has historically existed to recuperate militant Palestinian proletarians from expropriating their local ruling classes. One document that includes a good analysis of this role is here:
You are very right to notice that the US is right now inhibiting Israeli talks with Syria that could preclude possible war. You are wrong however that Fatah Al-Islam (the insurgent Palestinian group in Lebanon) is funded by the US. That story has been disproven.
I will check out stuff from the International Marxist Tendency. I like the two positions you put forward there. Focus is really the key word here and what I am appealing for. I will try to spread the piece around more after I write some more replies to comrades on the libcom forum.
Thanks for giving it a read. You should post a link to it on your blog. :) You are right that I need to be making more comments on other people's blogs. I've actually been reading Marxist from Lebanon's stuff for the past couple months but not with any time to comment. Just getting this piece together was quite a lot of work.
I think we have to oppose Fatah as much as we do Hamas. One example of why: http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,489898-2,00.html
The PLO has historically existed to recuperate militant Palestinian proletarians from expropriating their local ruling classes. One document that includes a good analysis of this role is here:
You are very right to notice that the US is right now inhibiting Israeli talks with Syria that could preclude possible war. You are wrong however that Fatah Al-Islam (the insurgent Palestinian group in Lebanon) is funded by the US. That story has been disproven.
I will check out stuff from the International Marxist Tendency. I like the two positions you put forward there. Focus is really the key word here and what I am appealing for. I will try to spread the piece around more after I write some more replies to comrades on the libcom forum.
Very interesting: you seem to have a similar analysis of the Israel/Palestine question and (in particular) of the British "boycott Israel" campaign as the Allaincwe for Workers Liberty and us at the 'Shiraz Socialist' blog.
Sphinx, I'm sorry this is unrelated to your great post, but I was hoping to get in touch with you and I don't see an email address. Please contact me at sleep*not*work at gmail.com. (remove the asterisks etc). I was hoping to talk to you about the Japanese hip hop post you made to Shrimp about two years ago. Might involve some paid work, or just some collaboration.
One important difference between Hamas and the PLO is the fact that the Hamas election was a complete and total rejection of the TWO-STATE SOLUTION i.e. an Israeli and Palestinian state existing side-by-side that the Oslo accords created. The reason their different ideologies have different implications on the ground is precisely because the PLO did not mind being Sharon's prison guard while Hamas is trying (however feebly) to stand up to Israeli-US pressure.
One thing that Hamas does deserve criticism for (besides strikebreaking) is failing to dissolve the PA. Dissolving the Israeli supported PA would put the onus of occupying the West Bank and Gaza back on the Israelis and off of the Palestinians.
Last thing I'll say is that I strongly disagree with you on the idea that Israel can exist without being racist and annexationist. It's a colonial settler state whose existence depends on keeping 750,000+ Palestinian refugees from 1948 and 1967 living in camps in Syria, Jordan, etc. As long as you have an exclusively Jewish state in a sea of Arabs and Muslims, you are going to have conflict.
Democratize the state - one state for Jews, Arabs, Christians, with equal rights for all - problem solved.
One thing that Hamas does deserve criticism for (besides strikebreaking) is failing to dissolve the PA. Dissolving the Israeli supported PA would put the onus of occupying the West Bank and Gaza back on the Israelis and off of the Palestinians.
Last thing I'll say is that I strongly disagree with you on the idea that Israel can exist without being racist and annexationist. It's a colonial settler state whose existence depends on keeping 750,000+ Palestinian refugees from 1948 and 1967 living in camps in Syria, Jordan, etc. As long as you have an exclusively Jewish state in a sea of Arabs and Muslims, you are going to have conflict.
Democratize the state - one state for Jews, Arabs, Christians, with equal rights for all - problem solved.
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In summary, whilst specific facets of traditional men's fashion could be brought back as new styles, the fundamental outfits which they are derived from will never fall out of fashion.
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StyleGun is an online men's fashion shop with a technical twist.
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